Introduction to medicinal plants with CAIRN ACCOMPANIED Join us on a captivating journey to discover medicinal plants! You'll discover the curative properties of some common plants, as well as the different...
Recreation facility Lou Croué SERVICES Lou croué is a recreation facility, for Val d'Arly's children between 3 to 12.
Aromatherapy and essential oils with CAIRN ACCOMPANIED Let's go to the heart of the plant world, where the most powerful essences of aromatic plants are concentrated. Depending on your treatment objective,...
Macerates and balms with CAIRN ACCOMPANIED Explore the ancient art of 100% natural cosmetics. In this workshop, you'll learn how to create your own oily macerate from medicinal plants. Step by...
Salt Dough WorkshopAteliers des Lutins - playdough workshopCreative workshop: Greeting cardsBracelet making workshop, gemstone charms
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