©©Office de Tourisme du Val d'ArlyWhere to go out?Après-Ski and NightlifeWhat about going out tonight? Concert evenings, karaoke, movies, après-ski… There are many opportunities to go out and party all year long in the Val d’Arly.©Office de Tourisme du Val d'ArlyTo doAnimations, Sports and cultural activitiesWhat are we doing this week in the Val d’Arly ? And how to prepare my vacations ? Activities, events, entertainment, leisure facilities…©Office de Tourisme du Val d'ArlyTo see, to doWith the childrenHere, today, what can I do with my children?
©Trail la Grande Bambée 2021 - La Giettaz|©Office de Tourisme du Val d'ArlyBig events in La Giettaz en AravisAll the great dates to remember are here! Live music, shows, traditional celebrations, sports events… There is something for everyone! AGENDAThings to see and do at Giett'
With childrenAGENDARESTAURANTS13MarCreation of Brazilian bracelets17Mar7 families game "Special Heritage"17MarGiant games18MarRoyal glideCold porcelain modeling workshop "Les Bricoleries de Nanie"Sledging slope - Le Plan areaDog sledding "Introduction to driving"4 seasons sledgeClimbing - Private Lesson per hourTO SEE TO DO WITH CHILDREN - SEE ALL12MarPaper aeroplane craft and competition12MarCluedo Action Game: ‘The missing cheese investigation12MarStories from the Val d'Arly13MarMusic Live "Rod Barthet et Eric Sauviat" at La Datcha restaurant13MarCreation of Brazilian bracelets13MarPoker afternoon14MarThe Giett' Trofa8Mar14MarRaclette Run in La Giettaz17Mar7 families game "Special Heritage"SEE ALL THE AGENDAFoodtruck 1930La GrangeAuberge de BonjournalCaterer - Les Recettes de RachelLe TavaillonLa Porte des Aravis "Chez Bruno"Le 1102La DatchaAuberge du Plan RebordSEE ALL RESTAURANTS
©skapingWebcamsRecette Farcement Savoyard©Recette Farcement SavoyardSpots to discover©Fat Bike à la Giettaz en Aravis|Office de Tourisme du Val d'ArlyGo on an adventure©©Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly|Office de Tourisme du Val d'ArlyProducers – Farm sales©VAL D'ARLY - SAVOIE - FRANCE|JP NOISILLIER - nuts.frDrinking & Eating©Office de Tourisme du Val d'ArlyThe essentials of La Giettaz en Avaris©Fat Bike à la Giettaz en Aravis|Office de Tourisme du Val d'ArlyAll Activities in La GiettazWhere to sleep?Shops & Services in La GiettazGetting there & Getting around©Mj DiffusionSki Area