Call Snowboard introduction ACCOMPANIED Snowboard initiation, information and registration at Dumoulin Sports 04 79 31 77 79 04 79 31 77 79
Call Sifflote ski lessons LESSON A secure space that is specially equipped for children (3 and 4 yrs old) who already spent a week at the Piou-Piou club. 04 79 31 60 03
Call Hire a ski instructor for half a day ACCOMPANIED Discover the resort’s ski area or explore the Espace Diamant with your own private instructor. Half-day : 3 hours outside school holidays, 3 and a hal... 04 79 31 60 03
Call Private alpine skiing lessons LESSON Private ski lessons for adults and children. Learn to ski face to face with your instructor! Lesson of 1h, 1h30 or 2h. 04 79 31 60 03
Call Group ski lessons for teens and adults LESSON Discover the fun of skiing with one of the 60 ESF instructors in Crest-Voland Cohennoz. Lessons lasting 1 ½ hrs, 2 hrs or 2 ½ hrs are available, depe... 04 79 31 60 03
Call Snowboard group instruction LESSON ESF offers lessons for beginners and improvers wanting to learn how to master the snowboard and control their speed, turns etc in order to make rapid... 04 79 31 60 03
Call Chamois test large stakes SKI Slalom with large poles to obtain your Chamois level. 04 79 31 60 03
Call Weekend ski lessons LESSON For children preparing to pass their ski grades (ourson, flocon, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stars, bronze and gold star) with test during final lesson. 04 79 31 60 03
Call Club Piou Piou - Children's group ski lessons LESSON A secure space that is specially equipped for children (3 and 4 yrs old). Including a baby drag lift, introduction to skiing. Travelator at Crest-Vo... 04 79 31 60 03
Call Test Chamois small stakes SKI Try the Chamois in special slalom. Each event will award you according to your performance a number of Skiopen points and at the end of the season you... 04 79 31 60 03
Call Mini Piou-Piou group lesson LESSON A smaller group lesson for toddlers of 3 and 4. 04 79 31 60 03
Call Group ski lessons for children LESSON Discover the fun of skiing with one of the 60 ESF instructors in Crest-Voland Cohennoz. Lessons lasting 1 ½ hrs, 2 hrs or 2 ½ hrs are available, depe... 04 79 31 60 03
©Domaine skiable de Notre Dame de Bellecombe. Savoie. France.|© David MachetSki-GlisseEquipment rentalCrest Voland CohennozSki packages